RIDE THE WAVES: Learn How to Thrive in Disagreement, Differences, and Conflicts

from $300.00
Training Levels:
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The Center for Real Dialogue is dedicated to ending polarization in human relationships at home, at work, and in the world. Polarization fuels conflicts, damages relationships, reduces problem-solving, and fragments families and communities.

Our mission is to educate individuals and groups to develop the skill and facility to avoid polarization by lowering emotional threat, overcoming stereotypes and biases, and transforming breakdowns into breakthroughs. The skill and method of Real Dialogue heal divisions by allowing both sides to be respected -- fostering a resilient and creative social and emotional environment. We commit ourselves to developing new potentials for emotional healing and mental wellbeing in relation to human differences and disagreements. Send your team, come yourself, invite your family members and colleagues!

All sessions will be held at Osher Center for Integrative Health, 184 South Prospect Street, University of Vermont, Burlington

For full training details click here

Level One

Turn Down the Heat and Turn Up the Light:

Learning the Skill of Real Dialogue

October 26—27, 2024

Osher Center for Integrative Health, 184 South Prospect Street, University of Vermont, Burlington

(Day One) Know Who You Are: Get Centered and Reduce Your Tendency to Blame (5 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-4:30PM

(Day Two) You Are Not Your Identity: Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Your Own Subjectivity (5 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-4:30PM

Level Two

Teaching Others to Lower Emotional Threat: Mastering and Teaching the Skill of Real Dialogue

November 23—24, 2024

Osher Center for Integrative Health, 184 South Prospect Street, University of Vermont, Burlington

(Day One) Working with Your Own Snow Globe: Practicing Real Dialogue During Disagreements Without Conflict (5 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-4:30PM

(Day Two) Perfecting the Skill of Real Dialogue: Learning How to Teach Others by Practicing the Skill During Emotional Conflicts (5 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-4:30PM

Level Three

Introducing the Methods for Facilitating

Real Dialogue in Difficult Conversations

December 14—15, 2024

Osher Center for Integrative Health, 184 South Prospect Street, University of Vermont, Burlington

(Day One) How to Break Through Projection, Projective Identification and Polarization: Why It’s So Hard and What to Do About the Challenges (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM

(Day Two) Introducing and Practicing Key Methods: Coaching, Facilitating, Alter Ego, Unblocking, Reflecting Team, Wrap-Up (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM

Levels Four

Becoming a Real Dialogue Facilitator

January 18—19, 2025

Osher Center for Integrative Health, 184 South Prospect Street, University of Vermont, Burlington

(Day One) Working with Experienced Facilitators to Facilitate in Your Own Organization or Situation (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM

 (Day Two) Demonstrating Your Ability to Facilitate in the Group (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM


Level Five

Becoming a Real Dialogue Specialist

Date: TBA

(Day One) Practicing in the Group (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM

(Day Two) Creating Your Consulting and Facilitating Business in Real Dialogue (6 hours) 10AM-1PM, 90 min break, 2:30PM-5:30PM