For Women to Succeed, Men and Boys Don't Need to Fail
When I hear about the masculinity crisis – the crisis of American men who feel adrift and anxious -- I think about my son, my step-son, and my grandsons. I have heard them all speak about not knowing how they “fit in” because they do not feel welcome in many educational, social, and on-line settings.
We Are Humans. We Come From the Planet Earth.
I have spent my entire career studying and writing about how human beings develop through relationships. Start to finish, we look into another’s eyes to see who we are.
What the LA Fires Teach
We are learning the lessons of fire. Again. The fires now burning in Los Angeles and the surrounding area have been catastrophic, massive, even biblical, and we all feel the horror, terror, and grief they bring. I also feel afraid and concerned for my friends and community in LA, as countless others do.
Dear Supporters and Detractors of Donald Trump: Stop Doing the Splits
On this occasion of a new Trump administration sweeping into Washington, I recommend not doing the splits. Instead, let’s start some real dialogue to become responsible for working together.
Skills and Methods of Real Dialogue
I am pleased to introduce you to the term “Real Dialogue” as the umbrella for the methods of Dialogue Therapy (Real Dialogue at Home), Real Dialogue at Work (Real Dialogue Specialist), and Real Dialogue in the World (our podcast and live events).
Racism, Power and Opression: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Algebra of America: Racism and Oppression = Surplus Wealth
A Review of Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gwande
Vital Signs: Staying Alive Until You Die